The Mt. Clemens Press
Transcriptions from the early years

Mount Clemens Press

Oct 8 1891

Will and Henry Lehner left Monday morning for Newbury, U.P. on a two week's deer hunt.

Mr. VanLandeghem is putting machinery into his chicory mill this week and getting ready to start the mill running early in the month.

We clip the following with pleasure, from the Berea Advertiser: "Village Marshal John T Kelley has sold out his livery stable and purchased an interest in the Mt. Clemens, Mich., Street Railroad. Mr. Kelley has been a resident of Berea all his life. As he was several years connected with the Berea Street Railroad subsequently proprietor of a livery stable as well as Village Marshall and constable, he is probably one of the best known men in town. Mr. Kelley stands high in this community and may he and his amiable family find as many friends as they leave behind."

Romeo. Mrs. Anna Wilcox of Prestonville, is taking a course of instructions of Mrs. A. J. Benjamin, milliner.

New Haven. Geo. Carl was in Dearborn last week. He leaves soon to spend the winter with his sister, Mrs. McIntyre of Cheboygan.

Chas. L. Stoddard has a potato raised in his patch which weighs three pounds and three ounces.

Oct 15 1891

John Roy of Constantine, is visiting old friends in this city after an absence of forty years.

John A Miller of Ludington, Mich., formerly a harness dealer here, is looking for familiar faces after an absence of 15 years.

Our well known townsman, Gen. Judson S. Farrar, and Col. E. M. Irish have been appointed to see that Michigan is properly represented in the military display at Chicago next year in honor of the world's fair.

Romeo. Dr. Greenshields has been entertaining his brother-in-law, Alexander Leitch, of Detroit.

Asa Blanchard is going to move in Dr. D'Ary's house. The doctor's family are going to Tennessee to spend the winter.

Oct 22 1891

Lyman Dice and Phillip Hoffman, who were buried for a short time by the cave in at Biewer's brewery last Thursday, were more scared than hurt and are again as well as ever.

Romeo. Charles Harris of Berrien Co. visited in the family of W. L. Dicken's last week. He is a brother of Mrs. Dicken's.

Real Estate Transfers.
Catherine Marquardt to Emma J Irish, land in Mt. Clemens, $1,000.
Eli Trombley to Pontiff Allaard, land in Erin $150
Elmer J Cooley to Bert Cooley, undiv. half int. in 48a in Ray, $100

Oct 29 1891

The attention of horse owners is directed to the announcement of W. L. Drinkwater in another column. He treats all diseases of domestic animals, attending calls promptly day or night. Also buys and sells horses on commission.

Sheriff Culver left this morning for Chatham, Ont. to bring back Louis Thomas who recently jumped his bail here.

Luke John pays $25 fine for shooting quail in the township of Ray.

Washington. Mrs. S. M. Reed and daughter have moved into J. M. Wicker's house and E. H. Hannan now occupies Mrs. Reed's house.

Harrison. William Kroll's horse died Oct. 25th.

Nov. 12 1891

The family of Robt. Shoemaker are spending a few days at his brothers, Thomas Shoemaker, while en route from Frankfort, Ind., to Greenville, their future home.

Macomb County board of supervisors voted down a motion to no longer pay a bounty on sparrow heads but we notice that several boards in the state did that very thing. We believe our board made a mistake when they did not do something toward stopping this leak from the county treasury.

New Haven. Matilda Parker and her sister, Mrs. Hannah Selleck of detroit were in town last week looking after their intrests here.

New Haven. Dan Sutton Jr. has been gradually losing his mind during the past two months. He was examined by the medical directors of Pontiac last week, and will be taken to the asylum as soon as an order can be obtained from the Judge of Probate. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their great affliction.

Western Lenox. The German Methodist have bout the house and several acres of land formerly owned by Thomas Dryer, for a parsonage.

Chesterfield. Lemuel Herriman of Allegan, formerly of this place in company with his neice Chauncey Herriman's youngest daughter, are making their many friends and relatives in chesterfield a visit.

Chesterfield. Goerge Rivard is among the returned sailors.

Nov 19 1891

Louis Groesbeck and family of Chatham, Ont. are expected to move to Mt. Clemens in the near future. Mr. Groesbeck was a one time sheriff of this county.

Justice Salisbury's Court. Geo. Rider, intoxicated; plead not guilty; tried and convicted; in absence of cash to pay fine and cost of $7, was sentenced to jail for ten days.

Romeo. Seward Jersey has gone to Detroit where he will join a musical organization providing terms, etc., all are O.K.

Nov 26 1891

Romeo. Leon Ewell, who has been travelling with Forepaugh's show as a musician, is home for the winter. *** Please see the bottom of this page for an interesting letter I received about the Forepaugh show! ***

Harrison. Emil Brhuell of New York, formerly of this place, has just returned from France with his bride and is now visiting Alex. Brhuell.

Dec 3 1891

New Haven. Charles Fullerton who has been visiting his mother here for sometime, left Friday for New York where he will study architecture this winter.

Dec 24 1891

George Pepin and Wm Engelbrecht, both deaf mutes, will spend the holidays at the deaf and dumb school in Flint.

Sheriff Culver and his assistants quietly swooped down on Chas. Vernia'a Club House Monday night and caught a party of about 75 men indulging in a cock fight. As it was the first event of the kind that has taken place in this neighborhood for sometime the officers wre satisfied to break up the match, but promise hereafter to push all such law breakers to the full extent of the law.

Dec 31 1891

The Misses Ida and Lillie Peltier spent Christmas with their brother at the deaf and dumb school at Flint.

Arthur E. Collins of Rochester, Mich., was married last Thursday. He formerly lived and is well known in this county.

*** In June 2006, I received the following letter from a gentleman in England. I thought that perhaps someone interested in Mr. Ewell might enjoy this!

Firstly greetings from across the ocean.

I came across your web site and the entry in the above journal for 26th November 1891 "Leo Ewell who has been travelling with Forepaugh's show as a musician is home for the winter"

I have been researching Col. Edgar Daniel Boone who was the top act (Lion Tamer) with the Forepaugh circus in 1891...although the entry for Leo just seems an insignificant one liner... what a welcome home he must have got, and hopefully a well earned rest!

He would have been away from home since the beginning of April. The first Forepaugh show that year was in Philadelphia (17-25th April) and the tour went on till 7th November with a final show in Danville, Va.

In between they visited and performed in over 140 towns and cities across the US! Including Cincinnati, Chicago, and several other places in Michigan (perhaps his family made it to the show?) Milwaukee, Iowa City, Kansas City, Nebraska City, Denver, Laramie, Butte, Seattle, Portland, Salt Lake City, Santa Fe, Dallas, Houston, and Atlanta.

It must have been a hectic year, Leo must have been a much a lion as those in the Col.'s cages! What a life, a street parade, (5 big brass bands were advertised), then two shows each day with Forepaughs Grand Orchestra commencing the proceedings with "popular operatic and musical selections". Then it was off in the night to another venue! With only Sunday as a day of rest. I wonder what instrument Leo played?

Thanks for bearing with me and reading this, but when someone goes to the trouble of recording a simple fact I think its worth saying there was and is a reason!

Paul Griffiths
Staffordshire, UK

Mount Clemens Press - 1891 part 1
Mount Clemens Press - 1891 part 2
Mount Clemens Press - 1893 part 1
Mount Clemens Press - 1893 part 2
Mount Clemens Press - 1894 part 1
Mount Clemens Press - 1894 part 2
Mount Clemens Press - 1894 part 3
Mount Clemens Press - 1895 part 1
News from 1925
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