This is a abstract of some of the news from some old TRIMBLE DEMOCRAT NEWSPAPERS. I have tried to keep as much as possible with the spellings and words used in the newspaper. Marguerite Miller



News from Sligo.

Mr. And Mrs. Perk Slack are visiting relatives in Indianapolis.

Mrs. Sam Garriott and Mrs. T.D. Adcock are in Louisville, this week.

O.B. Callis, Jr. and son, Sam have returned home from a visit to Mrs. Lewis Moore, at Lexington.

South Trimble

Elmar Stanley, of Leeport vistited at his father's V.G. Stanley, Sunday.

Miss Zillah Colbert spent Monday night with Miss Lizzie Wright.

Mrs. Willie Morgan and daughter, Luna, of Bedford, visited at W. L. Greenwood's Sunday.

B.M. Walker and family visited his brother, Asa, at Sulphur, recently.

C.T. Wright lost a good mare last week by falling on ice.

C.E. Greenwood and family of Hillsboro, spent several days last week at W.F. Wright's.

Miss Myrtice Gibson visited Mrs. Eva Neville McEndre, at English, last week.

Mr. And Mrs. I.T. Stanley, of Bedford, took dinner with V.G. Stanley Tuesday.

Misses Stella Stanley, Eva and Gretchen Greenwood called at W.L. Greenwood's Sunday afternoon.

Mr. And Mrs. V.G. Stanley spent Wednesday nght at John Stanley's

Miss Lizzie Wright called at Sulphur Sunday afternoon to see Mr. Chessie Wright, who is very sick.


The following spent Sunday with Mr. And Mrs. R. L. Wright: Mr. And Mrs. A.C. Calvert and son Lawrence, Mr. And Mrs. J.J. McEndre and Mr. And Mrs. R.C. Wright.

Mr. And Mrs. Roy Wright spent Friday night with the former's grandparents, near Prestonville.

Mrs. J. G. Sanders and daughter, Birtie, spent Saturday with Mrs. J.R. Welch.

Charles Kendall, who has been visiting in this community for some time returned Friday to Rome, N.Y.

Mrs. Pearl Ball and children spent Monday with Mrs. Virginia Gall.

Mr. And Mrs. J.J. McEndre and Mr. And Mrs. Roy Wright spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Calvert.

Shelby Kendall, of Turner's Station, spent Saturday night with J.J. McEndre.

Mrs. Florence Welch, Mrs. Willie Wright and Mrs. Effie McEndre spent Saturday with Mrs. Mollie Sanders.

Mrs. Lula Calvert spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Martha McDole, who is ill.


Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Pryor make a short visit to Louisville and Crestwood Saturday and Sunday.

D.H. Peak, of Bedford, was among the visiting attorneys here this week. It being Circuit Court.

Miss Ella Hampton, of Hunter's Bottom, Secretart fo the W.F.M.S. was a guest last week of Mrs. James Morgan.

Joe McCain, of Louisville, visited Bart and Ellis Peak Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Garr were called to Chicago Saturday by the death of the former's sister.

C.B. Terrell passed through LaGrange Saturday enroute to Bedford from Frankfort.

Judge and Mrs I.T. Stanley, of Bedford, were guest of their daughter, Mrs. M.G. Peak, Sunday.

Jack Pryor is recovering from an attack of mumps.

Mrs. Harmon Engleman and little son are visiting relatives in Milton.

Irvin Webb, of Sulphur, was a guest of his aunts, Misses Dolly and Jennie Webb, Sunday.

Miss Anna Moore, of Hew Castle, was a guest last week of Mrs. V.G. McDonald.

Mr. Bell, who has been quite ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.A.M. Wood, is greatly improved.

Dr. McCormack, of the State Board of Health, delivered a most interesting lecture at the school house Wednesday night. Dr. Heizer, with his stereoptican views illustrated the different topics. Their subjest was "The Conservation of Health and Life".

Tiring of the quiet life of LaGrange, and longing for the excitement of Western fame, four school boys - Raymond Rossell, Sidney Singer, Carroll Sauer and Everett Smith ran away intending to begin their journey Westward via the Ohio river. Some excitement prevailed and after much telephoning they were caught at Westport and returned to their homes. They are now sadder and wiser.

Sunny Slope

Mrs. Robt. Hall and sister, Mary Ball, visited their grandmother who has been in failing health all winter.

George Perkinson moved into the house vacated by Cephus Chandler. His brother and mother will occupy the house vacated by the former.

Ernest Lehue sold a bunch of cattle to Carrollton buyers last week.

Ovie Pinnell and father, and Ruby Ballard were in Madison Saturday.

Mrs. Corda Ballard returned home Saturday after spending a week with homefolk.

The sick of this neighborhood are convalescent.

Mrs. Joe Ball was a guest of Mrs. Cora Ball on Town Branch Monday.


Mrs. Katie Skidmore and Master Willie Mitchell were very sick last week, but we are glad to report them better.

Sherlie and Grover Hunter were in Louisville Wednesday and Thursday.

Mrs. Annie Leatherman spent Monday with Mrs Elvaree Mitchell.

Misses Claudie Kidwell, Rosie and Florrie Leatherman spent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Sallie Mitchell.

J.H.Gividen has purchased a buggy from Rollie Mitchell.

Miss Roxie Hunter spent Wednesday with Misses Rosie and Florrie Leatherman.

Mr. And Mrs. Rollie Mitchell and son, Willie spent Sunday with J.H. Leatherman and family.

Rev. J.M. Walker, of Crestwood, filled his regular appointment at Antioch Saturday and Sunday. He dined with Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Skidmore Saturday.

Mr. And Mrs. Will Gividen and son, Webb, spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Geo. Moore.

On The Line

Grover Ralston gave a good talk at Hickory Grove Sunday morning.

Mesdames Isa and Net Wheeler spent Monday with Mrs. Roxie Wheeler and mother.

Miss Mable Gaunt visited her sister, Mrs. Hallie Rolston, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wheeler visited the latter's parents, Mr. And Mrs. Milliard Clifford, Saturday night and Sunday.

Mrs. John Powell visited her daughter, Mrs. Cleveland Holderfield, Saturday.

Mrs. Stella Daily has about 90 little chickens. Who can beat that?

Mr. Alva Branch was in Louisville Wednesday and Thursday.

Remember the ice cream supper at Jennings Hall Wednesday night, Feb. 26, 1913.

Fairmont, Ind.

Harley Watt died of tuberculosis Friday morning at 1 o'clock at his home here. The funeral was preached at the home by Rev. Benjamin Kendall. He leaves a father, mother, brother and sister. Interment was made at Park cemetery.

Arley Relfe and family and Walter Relfe and family visited Harry Spence and family Sunday.

Mrs. Susie Hundley was in Marion last Saturday shopping.

S. J. Whitesides and daughter, Lillie, attended the funeral of one of his comrades at the Soldier's Home last Saturday afternoon.

Misses Mamie Clifford and Grace Proctor were callers at S.J. Whigesides' Sunday afternoon.


Miss Frances Powell, our teacher, spent from Friday until Monday at the home of her cousin, J.R. Powell near Sulphur.

W. D. Tandy, our popular drummer, of Louisville, was here last week and took dinner with G.W. Abbott and family Tuesday.

Grover Ralston was at home this week from Wilmore. He is progressing in school very nicely.

B. Etta Abbott and Pearl Spillman spent last Thursday night with Margie Merchant and enjoyed a nice little candy pulling.

Caleb Browning purchased a new road wagon from Wm. Shrader at Sulphur.

Miss Nannie Mae Ison gave her scholars a valantine party Friday evening also a treat of home made candy.

John Moore made a short visit to relatives at Indianapolis last week.

G.M. Spillman sold a fat hog to Gracie Ford for $13.50.

Mrs. Kate Montgomery bought a milk cow for $45.00 from Mr. Parish.

A. Abbott sold two hogs to G. M. Spillman for $14.00.

Several met at J.P. Duggins' home last Friday night. There were several musicians and good music was rendered on the violin, mandolin and organ.

Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Barker Thurman upon the arrival of a fine son.

Susie Pinnell and sisters called on Pearl Spillman Saturday evening.

Mesdames Dean and Gilbert visited at G.L. Wheeler's last Sunday.


Mr. And Mrs. Dacy McAllister and daughter and Rev. Magruder were guest of Willie Brent and family Saturday.

Mr. And Mrs. Dora Demaree, Mr. And Mrs. Noble Louden and Miss Carrie Demaree took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ashby Barnett Sunday.

Mr. And Mrs. Dale Brent and Wm. Brent and Wm. Brent and family were guests of Mr. And Mrs. Dacy McAllister Sunday.

Marion Pyles, of Madison, Ind., visited D.T. Pyles and family Sunday.

The friends and relatives of Mrs. Eliza Liter have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement.

Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smythers and Rev. Magruder took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Yeager Sunday.

Ira Brent and bride spent Saturday and Sunday with her father, Mr. Lee, near Hillsboro.

Leland Brent and family were guests of his father, W.S. Brent, Friday.

Mrs. Margaret Williams is very sick at her brother-in-law's, W.S. Brent.

Misses Iantha and Angie Demaree, of Texas, were guests of their grandfather, Sam Demaree Friday.

Master Rov Brent called on Master Austin Barnett Saturday.

Poplar Ridge

Mr. and Mrs. James Joyce were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Rowlett Saturday night.

Albert Perry spent Sunday with his friend, Archie Conner.

R.L. Conner spent Sunday with his mother near Milton.

Chas. Conner was a guest of his brother, R.L. Conner, last Sunday.

James Drake purchased a nice milk cow from Mrs. Lucy Ogden Tuesday.

Raymond Fisher spent Sunday with his friend, Iva McClure.

Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Rowlett spent Sunday with Owen Rowlett and family.

Mrs. Annie Brewer has been visiting homefolk recently.

Walter Garriott spent several days last week with his grandmother, Mrs Luch Ogden.

Mr. Jesse Oakley contemplates moving to Indianapolis. We are sorry to lose a good neighbor.

Miss Sadie Farley visited Mrs. Mary Mikesell Wednesday.

Raymond Rowlett spent Saturday night with his uncle, Dannie Rowlett.

Wyatt Rowlett and family and Shelby Oakley spent Sunday with Jesse Oakley and family.

Lelia Ogden spent Friday night with Hazel Ogden.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mikesell, who have been visiting his brother, Mr. L.D. Mikesell, of Paris Crossing, have returned home.

The party at Jas. McClure's Wednesday night was well attended and all had a pleasant time. Also the party at Ben McKay's was enjoyable spent Friday night.

Local News

County Court Monday.

Hair neatly trimmed at Coghil's.

Remember the sale of L.M. Peak Monday, Feb. 24.

Remember the sale J.W. Davis Wednesday. Feb 26.

Janquin Miller, the part of Sierras died of old age Monday.

Come to Bedford Monday and bring you stock for sale on street.

Pressing and cleaning done neatly and promptly at Coghill's barber shop.

Bare & Bare will dissolve partnership March 1, 1913. W.T. Bare will continue in business.

Discount 25 per cent. It cost only 75 cents for the Democrat for one year. Subscribe while the offer last

V.C. Harmon has moved to the old Laughery property. There will be many changes in the next two weeks.

As we go to press it is reported that Mrs. J. N. Gammon can not live but a short time. She has been sick with tuberculosis for many weeks.

The weather has been ideal for February all this week. Plant bed burning is being started.

We will send the Democrat on year and the Daily Courier Journal for 3.75. This offer will not last long so you had better take advantage now.

The Bedford Mill Co. will grind you corn any day in the week. Now prepared to Cursh your corn either with or without husk. I.D. Mitchell, Mgr.

A.B. Clem -Telephone No 42. Store or House, Bedford, Ky

Rev. R.S. Wilson preached at the Christian church last Sunday afternoon. As usual, it was an excellent sermon.

There are two cases of measles reported in Bedford. Nettie Fisher and Earl Kindle are sick with the disease.

Jesse Oakley will have a sale of his personal property at his farm at Poplar Ridge Saturday, March 1. He has many things for sale. Attend and see for yourself.

Mr. Joe Morrison, who has been located in Pennsylvania for several years has returned to Trimble. We understand he will locate at his farm in Hunter's Bottom.

Marriage license were granted Wednesday to Mr. Wm. H. Toombs and Miss Roxie Vest, both of near Middle Creek. The marriage will take place Sunday at the home of the bride.

Wash Kent has begun the foundation of his house near the new school building. He closed up his trade with Chas. Kalusey Wednesday. Mr Kalusey will move here about March 10.

Ben Curran was bitten by a dog Friday. The dog belonged to Mr. Justice who was hauling for J.W. Davis. Mr. Curran went up to Justice's wagon to look at a hog when the dog grabbed him. The hurts were not serious.

One of the biggest land deals ever made in the county has been closed so report goes. J. B. Ross has sold his farm near Milton to Barney Holsclaw and John Neal. The farm contains over 500 acres. The consideration is said to be $20,000.00.

Emmett Hughes sold his farm near Winona to Geo. Young. Sylvester Calloway and Will Kendall have "swapped" lands. Rev. Wright is surveying for them this week. Ed Colbert has taken the place of Geo. Colbert in the land trade with Standley and Hudson.

Travel is well worth making a sacrifice for. Thousands of persons are saving up on the "dollar-a-week" plan to visit the San Diego Exposition which will open January 1, 1915. No enterprising man, says President D.C. Collier, can afford to miss the magnificent educational opportunity to visit the San Diego Exposition in 1915. It will be a worthy celebration of the opening of the Panama Canal.

Mrs. William Liter died at her home, near Providence, of gall stones, Feb 12. She was bout 60 years of age, and leaves her husband and tree sons. She was a member of Antioch Baptist Church. Funeral service were held at the home the following day by Rev. Satchwill, and body was buried in the family burying ground.

On Saturday night, Feb 22, the ladies of the Baptist church will entertain at the Court House in honor of George Washington. Following a short program an oyster supper will be served, after which a guessing contest and other bright games will be introduced. Good music will be rendered throughout the entire evening. Hours seven to eleven. Admission free.

For Sale, Several pairs of mules coming tree-year-old. Also three splendid farm and road mares. Also my Stallion and Jack. This stock is first class. Henry Penn & Son.

Pie Supper, There will be a pie supper at Gatewood school house Tuesday night, Fevb 25. All are invited to come and bring a pie.

Farm for sale: I have for sale a farm of 50 or 100 acres. Will go cheap if sold at once. Situated on pike 3 miles from Milton. Good buildings, plenty of water and fruit. Bert Barringer, Milton, Ky, RR No 2.

Negor Minstrel: The Negro Minstrel at the Hall Tuesday night was attended by a large a crowd who were more than pleased with the show. The boys were from Campbellsburg and certainly played their parts well. Each one was a star. Len Roberts furnished excellent music on the saxophone, and many songs, anecdotes and monologues were highly entertaining. In brief, the entire performance was enjoyed by one and all.

Location unknown

Rev. J. L. Jenkins will preach at Pleasant View Sunday Morning and night.

Mrs. C. G. Carson spent one day last week with Mrs. Martha Fix.

Miss Denzil Joyce is proud possessor of an organ.

Sanford McClure visited relatives here one day last week.

Jesse Chilton of Campbellsburg, was here on business Thursday of last week.

The party at J.J. Richarson's Saturday night was enjoyed by all.

Mrs. Edd Colbert, of Bedford, visited her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Giddens, the first of the week.

Mrs. Oral Button Returned Saturday night from a tree weeks visit with relatives in Indianapolis and Cinncinnati.

Miss Lavania Stanley, of Bedford, visited Miss Allie Averitt from Friday until Monday.

C.G.Carson and family spent Sunday at James Barrickman's.

J.D.Ball has traded his farm to W.G. Conn for his town property, we regret to lose Mr.Conn and family yet we gladly welcome Mr. Ball and family back to town.

Unknown Location

Moving has begun early this year. It is a coon thing to see the movers wagon passing through Monitor.

Miss Lou Eiva Nesselrode was a guest of her uncle, D.B. Taylor, Sunday.

W.L. Jones and daughter Miss Edith, visited at Howard Carrico's Sunday.

Mrs. Emma Green is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Pete Buckus.

Mr. and Mrs. Walton Banks of Carrollton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Long, of Locust, were visitors at the home of Will Adams.

Mrs. Charlie Harrison was guest of her grandfathers, Mr. Nathan Culls, several days last week.

Mrs. Alice Murphy the teacher at King's Ridge spent Saturday and Sunday with homefolk.

Mr. and Mrs. Lesie Cull entertained Sunday Mr.and Mrs Oscar Pulliam.

Mr. Carrico"s sale was well attended. He will take possession of the store at Monitor.

Other notices

Pension Claims Will Go Unpaid
Persons entitled to Confederate pensions will be disappointed as it was decided Feb. 6 there was no money in the State Treasury to pay the pensions. That day had been set as a date for the first payment of the pensions, but after a conference between Treasure Rhea, Governor McCareary and W. J. Stone, Pension Agent, it was agreed that there was not a dollar in the State treasurer which could be used for that purpose.

I have re-opened with everything new the Central Hotel Northwest corner Second and Mulberry Street, Madison, Ind. Rates $1.00 per day. Trimble county people are invited to make this their stopping place, when in the city. Dora Welch, Proprictor.

Curt McCutchen was cut twice near the heart in a difficulty took place Saturday night. The wounds are serious and McCutchen is laid up as a result, but his condition is not considered dangerous. The affair took place on the path just east of the public scales. From reports McCutchen and Cleve Percell were engaged in an altercation, it having started with Perell using language that McCutchen resented. McCutchen and Percell down and Oscar Garrett then took a hand. In the course of the trouble with Garrett McCutchen received as above stated. It is reported that his clothing was badly "cut up". Garrett has not been arrested, and as the facts have not be brought out in court we are unable to state them with certainity.

Judge Morris Dead

Judge James S. Morris died Monday afternoon of tuerculosis after an illness of two months. Judge Morris had served as Special Judge in numerous cases over the State, and was on the bench in the second trial of Caleb Powers. He was born in Wood for County in 1843, and educated at Georgetown College. In early live he moved to Anderson County and in 1865 married Miss Maggie Searee. Afterward he make his home in Shelbyville for some years. In 1876 he was elected Commonwealth's Attorney of Oldham county, and had lived in LaGrange for many yeas. Garnet Morris, of this plance and Charles Morris, of Frankfort, first Assistant Attorney General of Kentucky, are sons, and his widow and the following daughters are survive: Mrs. Julia O.Neil and Mrs. J.C. Willis, of LaGrange: Mrs. Marcus Blakenmore, of Louisville, and Mrs Edward Johnson, of Lawrenceburg. The Oldham County Bar held a session Tuesday afternoon and will hold another session Friday moning in honor of his emory. Funeral service were held at the home Tuesday afternoon. The burial was at Frankfort Wednesday.

In Memory

Of Mrs. Catherine Martin, Who Died Feb., 5, 1913. A precious one form us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled: A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. God in his wisdom has recalled, The boon his love has given, And though the body slumbers here The soul is safe in heaven. Written by a friend, Goldie Kagel.


Nice cattle including two short horn cows to calve soon, two thoroughbred jersey heifers, six good stock cattle. Call Monday County Court Day. Curran & Lee

FOR RENT; Farm within 1 mile of Bedford, want a tenant who will raise 6 acres of tobacco, 14 ac corn and 4 or 5 acres of oats. J.D. Pardo, Bedford

LOST: About 2 weeks before Christmas between Bedford and Mrs. Kate Hancock's farm, a saddle. The blanket was found near S.Y. Cutshaw's barn. Any information will be thankfully received by Harry Angell, Bedford.

Clover seed for sale, I.T. Stanley, Bedford.

For Sale: A young horse well broken, C.V. Morgan, Pendleton, Ky

Horses for Sale: Three head of good horses five years old and under. Prices, $125. $90. and $60. respectively. Manuel Davis, Corn Creek.

For Sale: Barred Plymonth Rock Pullets and two year old hens. Miss Julia Penn, Sulphur. Phone 35-4.

For Sale: Lavge yearling short horn bull. B.H. Stewart, Bedford, phone 28-3.

For Sale: 600 bushel corn at 45 cents per bushel if sold in February on what is known as the Oakley Farm. Apply to Oliver Perkinson, Milton.

Lost: A black and tan hound dog with tan legs and breast and black back. Lost January 21st. Return the dog to me and I will give you $5.00. Bradley Craig, Corn Creek.

For Sale" One 5 year old sorrel horse about 15 hands high, will work anywhere. G.W. Wright, East Bedford.

For Sale: Rhode Island Red eggs: 15 eggs for 50 cents. Mrs. F.H. Stewart, Bedford. Phone 28-3

See next issue

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